How You Can Help
Support The National Coalition for Burned Churches Church
Here's How You Can Help!

_____ Financial Contribution - please give to support the work of the National Coalition for Burned Churches.

_____Volunteer Coordination - to help rebuild a burned church.  Members from your church/organization/business can help a burned church rise from the ashes. 
Complete the volunteer enrollment form and contact the National Coalition to find out more..

_____Donate - church furniture, bibles, hymnals, kitchen furniture 
and/or choir robes to burned churches.

_____Monitor - clip church burning articles from newspapers or call/fax/e-mail reports of church burnings in your community to the National Coalition.

_____Sponsor - a Church Burning Community Learning Gathering in your area to find out more about church burning and bombing activity in your state. 

_____Educate - encourage your local fire department to sponsor periodic community meetings with church leaders and members to discuss ways to increase church security. Call the National Coalition for a church arson prevention packet.

 Your Financial support MakesA Difference

Check the area(s) you wish to support. Enter your contribution amount below.
____ General Support
____ Victim Assistance Church Burning Response
____ Church Rebuilding Project
____ Church Burning and Research Center
____ Literature and Publications
____ Yes, I/we will support the work of the National Coalition for Burned Churches.  Enclosed please find my contribution.


_____No, I/we cannot support at this time, but would like to continue to  receive information. 


  •   Make all checks payable to the:  National Coalition for Burned Churches 


    (if  applicable) __________________________________________________



    Amount enclosed $____________

    Mail to: National Coalition for Burned Churches 
    PO Box 40784 Charleston, SC 29423

    No More Burned Churches!

National Coalition for Burned Churches and Community Empowerment
P.O. Box 40784 Charleston, SC  29423 Ph: (843) 821-9590 / (843) 367-9154   FAX: (843) 875-4618  website:
